
Thursday 2 December 2021

HHS market day

kia ora welcome to my blog. 

For B n E (Bisness an enterprise)  are name is O-RA-GA-MI. We where making oragami (we mised spalte oragami)  we made a fox, box, jumping frog, ari plane, fortune box and lolyies on the side. 

what went well for us is the lollies and the fortune box. 

chalenge was compiremissing and agreing hafl the time we were argreing what we would make other then that we wernt selling good but we still saled stuff.

if we could do any tihnk difrent next time it would be the product and what Imean by that is more Oragami. cause we were slaking walking around and just drawing the poster.

Wednesday 7 July 2021



Who is Galileo & why is he important? Galileo was a natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician 

When was Galileo alive? Born February 15, 1564, Pisa Italy died January 8, 1642, Arcetri, near Florence 

What country did he live in? Pisa, Grand Duchy of Tuscany What was Galileo famous for? He discovered stuff that no one would have find out. What are the 

5 main discoveries that Galileo made? Craters and mountains on the Moon, the first pendulum clock, the stars of the Milky Way, Jupiter's moons, the phases of Venus. 

Was Galileo ever punished for his ideas? Yes he was punished because the Roman Catholic Church forced Galileo Galileo, one of the founders of modern science, to recant his theory that the Earth moves around the Sun. Under threat of torture. Find out some interesting facts about Galileo Galileo soon went on to make other findings with his telescope, including that there were four moons orbiting Jupiter and that Venus went through a complete set of phases, indicating the planet travelled around the sun.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

What would you like to be invented in the future


What would you like to be invented in the future? I would like to see teleporting cars so then it is easier to get from place to place like you can travel around the world instead of taking days to go from place to place. Teleporting cars are really useful. It can help people, less car accidents,a more efficient, faster way to the future and a more brilliant way of traveling. It can be safer, nicer and less arguments and car crashes. And if you're in a rush you can just go into a car and there you're done.

My logo

 Today in class we are making are logo's here is mine for chocolate hope you enjoy it.

Friday 19 March 2021



    1. Today in cooking class we made Pizza. first you  put the oven on a 180  degrees fan bake. ingredients
    2.  capsaicin wash the vegetable then you slice the vegetable and dice it. 
    3. Capsicum wash the vegetable then you slice the vegetable and dice it.  
    4. Tomato wash the fruit then you slice the fruit and dice it. 
    5. Mushrooms you slice the vegetables
    6. onion wash the vegetable then you slice the vegetable and dice it. 
    7. salami first you gather it all up then cut it on way then cut it the opposite way.
    8.  cheese grate the cheese.
    9. Buy Pizza sauce 
                    First we added  the pizza sauce then add all your vegetables then the meat then the                                          cheese. 


  Today in PE with BF we had touch it was fun. The one thing that I liked the most was everyone joined in an gave it a go and no one got mad or sad. The one thing that I didn't

like about the game was that the boy's didn't  pass to the girls an tell the end of the game but other then that I enjoyed it.